MAG B550M MORTAR 메인보드의 램 장착 순서입니다. CPU를 기준으로 1,2,3,4번 순으로 메모리 슬롯이 보이면, 2번과 4번에 먼저 꽂으라고 나옵니다. DIMMA2, DIMMB2 이렇게 꽂으라고 나옵니다. 다른 곳에 꽂으면 모니터 화면에 경고창이 뜨기도 합니다. (무시하고 사용 가능)
2번 4번을 먼저 사용하라는 메인보드 회사의 규칙이 있지만, 2번 4번 램 슬롯이 불량(접속 불량)인 경우도 있는데, 그럴 때는 인식이 잘 안 되는 고장 난 램 슬롯보다는 안정적인 램 슬롯을 이용하는 게 좋습니다. 고장 난 램 슬롯을 사용하면, 컴퓨터 사용 중에 메모리 인식 불량 증상(멈춤, 화면 깨짐, 블루스크린, 컴퓨터 느려짐, 렉 등)이 나타날 수 있습니다.
메모리 특성상 랜덤한 증상이 주로 나타납니다. CPU, M/B 불량 다음으로 복잡한 증상
[ 관련글 ]
순서대로 메모리를 꽂아야 메모리 인식되고 켜지는 특이한 메인보드
메모리 슬롯이 불량이라면? 듀얼 채널도 소용없음. 되는대로 꽂아서 써야 함.
Older motherboards than newer motherboards experience RAM slot connectivity issues, which, when reinstalled, can revive and be used, and even when reseated, can consistently cause symptoms of poor memory connectivity (suspended, broken screen, off, not turned on). There may be problems with memory gold fingers, and the pins inside the RAM slot may become contaminated and flat, causing the contacts to fail to function again. Alternatively, only certain memories may experience poor connectivity.
(In the case of DDR3 and DDR4, the symptoms of contact defects may disappear if they are replaced with different memories of the same capacity. I understand that the parts where the metals are contacted do not match well, so that electricity cannot be transmitted properly. It is not a part that can be seen with the naked eye, but it is my imagination = thoughts through experience.)
There is a motherboard that continues to cause connectivity failure even when the memory is replaced. There is also a method of utilizing the contact after the contact is cleaned with a contact resurgent (cleaning agent), but since the contact is sometimes not saved well, it is sometimes necessary to use 1+2, 2+3, 3+4, 1+4 not in dual memory configurations such as 1+2, 2+3, 3+4, and 1+4 not in usual memory configurations such as 1+2, 3+4, and 1+4. I did this because I thought that the environment where the computer can use normally without stopping or turning off is more important than a dual memory configuration, and securing memory capacity is more important.
(Game players have better performance when configuring dual memory, and regular homes or offices have no symptoms of single, dual, or bad memory connectivity, and it's more advantageous to have a large RAM capacity. When the computer keeps pausing and turning off in the middle of the game and operating in such an unstable manner, you may want a stable computer with good memory connection rather than a memory slot configuration where RAM connection often occurs. If the computer malfunctions due to bad RAM slot connection, it's not the time to consider dual memory. The computer stops and turns off... If you need to configure and use a regular dual channel, I recommend cleaning and changing the memory gold finger first, and if it doesn't work, then replacing the board if it doesn't work after cleaning the RAM slot.
In some cases, reseating the CPU can fix memory connectivity problems. Bad memory connectivity due to CPU connectivity symptoms. Or, if you tighten the CPU cooler too much, you can have a problem with CPU connectivity. There's someone who tightens the screw with on-arm force. The screw should also be tightened with moderate force. Instead of tightening one screw all the way to the end and tightening the other screw, "you need to slowly tighten it to the right force as you go little by little." Computer parts don't need to be tightened with excessive force. Just enough force to hold a 2L bottle of bottled water. You only need arm strength to flip the case, and you don't need that strong force to assemble it. If possible, I recommend a manual driver rather than an electric one. It's important to assemble it correctly rather than power.)
Use ASUS Z97-C Motherboard No. 1 No. 4 RAM Slot (Configuring in Single Channel Mode)
When the memory is configured in an unusual way as above due to the RAM slot connection problem and shipped out, another CEO or someone familiar with the computer reported, "Why did you plug in the memory like this? It's an assembly line. Don't you know the dual-channel configuration?" This is a good part to find fault with. It is common for people to think that they have "caught the number of times" to nitpick without noticing any traces (=> "The previous operator tried to plug in the memory by changing the memory location?") even though the memory slot lever is open so that the RAM slots in "No. 2 and No. 4" are easily connected, so dual channels in "No. 1 and No. 3" respond similarly. Some masters believe that they are only on their way to the correct answer, preferably, they have self-righteousness, kkondae, and onggojib.
Leave a rough summary of the symptoms under the computer's body. RAM slots 2 and 3 were not connected well. Continuous memory failure symptoms continue after cleaning.
It might not be easy to find and think about things like this because people who know computers well are ordinary people
The computer owner must have experienced this, but he caught a pod, enlarged it, criticized it, and criticized it.
When I watch YouTube videos, it's hard to watch them.
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